Nomadic Diaries

Review of Interview with Louise Wiles

Fred York
I tremendously enjoyed the interview with Louise Wiles and her experiences of travel to multiple cultures. Her insights about adapting to another culture by modifying and expanding one's expectations is helpful. Her reassurances about understanding the culture of another country was insightful and helpful as one keeps thinking "How am I going to make this work?". She helped me to accept the periodic bewilderment I experience with living in new, unfamiliar surroundings. The learning experience is so challenging as well as it is an opportunity to grow and capture a new lifestyle in circumstances that are at first confusing. I learned to remember when transitioning to another culture that the event impacts not just yourself but also your life partner. I appreciate the learning opportunities available on Nomadic Dairies and look forward to future broadcasts. Fred

Jan. 18, 2024 by Fred York on This Website

Nomadic Diaries